Section: Dissemination


Members of the team participate on a regular basis, to scientific awareness and mediation actions.

  • Marie-Odile Berger and Gilles Simon wrote an article about augmented reality in Interstices [27].

  • Erwan Kerrien is Chargé de Mission for scientific mediation at Inria Nancy-Grand Est. As such, he is a member of the steering committee of "la Maison pour la Science de Lorraine"  ("Houses for Science" project, see http://maisons-pour-la-science.org/en), and member of the IREM  (Institut de Recherche sur l’Enseignement des Mathématiques - Research Institute for Teaching Mathematics) steering council. He also serves as the academic referent of an IREM working group aiming at introducing computer science in middle and high school curricula. Among other activites, he was also an associate researcher to a MATh.en.JEANS workshop, and he participated in the creation of a MOOC for teachers of the new ICN option (Informatique et Création Numérique - Computer Science and Digital Creation) at the beginning of high school curriculum.

  • Gilles Simon participated to the “Fête de la science” (unplugged activities in computer science).

  • Pierre-Frédéric Villard participated to open days and science festival in the IUT of Saint-Dié des Vosges. He presented augmented and virtual reality demos and their link to the high school mathematics program.

  • Pierre-Frédéric Villard has been involved in the conception of the virtual visit for the Homo Numericus Exhibition (http://homonumericus.inria.fr).